Steve Thomas

Goderich ‘Mind and body’ campaign

by Steve Thomas

A lesson in how to tap into community spirit, this campaign shows how far you can go with a little expertise, the right approach and clear donor-focused messaging.

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Life Education Australia: ‘Healthy Harold’ and the giraffe business appeal

by Steve Thomas

With a target audience of only a few hundred prospective donors, fundraiser Steve Thomas (of ST) and charity Life Education brought in thousands of Australian dollars with this iconic campaign.

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The Canadian Lung Association: Santa Door Drop

by Steve Thomas

It’s the simplicity of this door drop that really makes it a hit. And a Canadian classic no less! By recreating the ruddy cheeks, red garb and big beard of the classic Coca-Cola Santa, Steve Thomas and Ross Reid gave donors something familiar and fun to latch onto.

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About the author

A fundraiser for over 40 years, Steve founded Stephen Thomas Associates (now Stephen Thomas Ltd or ST) in 1980. It was Canada’s first direct response fundraising agency working exclusively in the non-profit sector. His contribution to the sector has been recognised through many awards including Directors’ Choice Lifetime Achievement Award (Canadian Direct Marketing Association), Outstanding Fundraising Executive Award (AFP Greater Toronto Chapter) and an award from Amnesty International for 25 years of service.

Steve has been a volunteer boys’ basketball coach at local high schools for 28 years. He has taken Malvers Collegiate and Greenwood College School teams to the Finals. It’s a very different world from fundraising and why it’s his perfect hobby.